Contact Us

Looking for more info? You might find what you’re looking for here. If you still have questions contact us below, or if you want to talk to a real person feel free to give us a call.

  • What others say

    We use Feefo to collect independent feedback from our customers.

    Feefo logo Read reviews
  • Make a claim

    Everything we do is to make sure we can pay your claim when the time comes, as easily as possible.

    Make a claim
  • Questions?

    Find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

    Read our FAQ
  • Not happy?

    When things go wrong please let us know so that we can work with you to resolve it.

    Make a complaint

If we can help, please get in touch

Use the form below, send us an email, give us a call or use our webchat. Our Auckland office hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


PO Box 1471
Auckland 1140
New Zealand


Post: PO Box 1471, Auckland 1140
Level 6, 2-6 Crowhurst Street (20 Kent Street)
Newmarket, Auckland 1023

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