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Life Insurance

How much life insurance cover do people ask for?

May 05, 2016 by Pinnacle Life

Great question! At Pinnacle Life, we decided to let you know the answer. Using information gathered from over 40,000 quotes, we can now show you the most common amount of life insurance cover quoted, and the average level of cover quoted on as well.

And this information doesn't just come from Pinnacle Life data but comes from life insurance quotes asked for by Kiwis across a range of life insurance companies.

Based on your age and gender, the information we show you is not intended to be advice, given that it doesn't take into account your personal financial or family situation.

We just thought that some people might find this kind of information interesting.

So if you’re interested in seeing how much life insurance cover other people ask for – take a look here – and you won't need to provide any personal information to see it (except your age and gender of course)!
