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Life Insurance

Kicking the habit

Jan 24, 2024 by Charlotte Finer

We’re nearly a month into the new year, and it turns out, 30% to 50% of smokers are likely to attempt to quit this year. But here’s the deal - the success rate is just 8%. We’re here to chat about why kicking the habit isn’t just good for your health; it can also mean more money in your pocket and better insurance benefits. Let’s dig into why making this change is a win-win for your life.


While kicking the smoking habit has many benefits, the biggest impact is on your health. You’ll experience benefits such as;

Improved Lung Function → smoking damages your lungs, leading to reduced lung capacity. But by quitting, you allow your lungs to heal and function better.

Reduced risk of respiratory diseases → Smoking is a leading contributor to respiratory diseases. Quitting significantly lowers the odds of facing chronic respiratory diseases.

Cardiovascular health → Smoking is a leading cause of heart disease. By quitting, you reduce the strain on your heart, leading to improved blood circulation and a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes

Enhanced Immune system → Smoking weakens the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.

Better mental health → Smoking has been proven to be strongly linked to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Quitting the habit can contribute to improved mental well-being, leading to a more positive and focused mindset.

Benefits can start as soon as 20 minutes after your last cigarette - here’s a timeline of when the health benefits kick-in. You can also find out more about the health benefits, resources and best ways to quit smoking here.


It goes without saying that there are some pretty large financial gains in quitting this habit. If you’re a smoker you’ll know how expensive this habit is! If you’re someone smoking 1 pack a day you could save $13,800 a year. Or, if you cut down to half a pack a day - you could save around $6,900 a year which you could put towards holidays, mortgages, bills, hobbies or anything else. The financial rewards are significant - if you want to see how much you could save as a smoker, check out this online calculator.


We said at the start that quitting smoking can lead to insurance benefits. You might be a bit sceptical of why a life insurance company cares about whether you’re a smoker or not.

Life Insurance assessments are completed by an underwriter - they basically calculate the perceived level of risk of your dying. As you’ve already read, there are pretty significant health statistics showing how damaging smoking can be to your health. So, using the facts, because smoking increases your risk of death, it means you’ll pay a higher premium for life cover.

If you’re a smoker now and dedicated to quitting - here’s some inspiration. If you’re a smoker and already have or take out life insurance, you’re not locked into that higher premium forever. If you become smoker-free and have not smoked tobacco or any other substance, including e-cigarettes and vaping, for 12-24 months (depending on your policy) you can request to change to the cheaper non-smoker rates. It’s super easy, we know the hard bit is quitting! There’s a form on our website.
