Many of us know that we should have life insurance but we don’t understand how benefits are transferred to loved ones, or whether benefits will be subject to taxation? Or should you place your life insurance policy into a trust structure for added protection?
What happens with my life insurance after I die?
Crowdfunding or Insurance – which would you choose?
We all want to help our friends in times of tragedy. Sometimes we are also drawn to help people we have never met.
Cancer now more common than getting married or having a first baby
Research from the UK suggests that developing cancer is now more common than getting married or having a first baby. In the UK more than 350,000 cancers are diagnosed each year compared with 290,000 marriages. In New Zealand the trends are similar with 23,000 cancers diagnosed, compared to 20,000 marriages in 2014. (NZ Ministry of Health and Statistics NZ.)
I'm Young and Single - Why Should I Take Out Life Insurance Today?
It's true that young, healthy adults are at very low risk of death. Sure, accidents can happen or you might end up being among the unlucky few that develops a rare disease at a young age. Generally speaking though, you're probably going to enjoy a long life.
What do you mean, insurance for adult children?
At some point our children will start to spread their wings, launch into their own lives and, importantly, become financially independent. Thinking about insurance is part of being financially savvy.
What do I need to think about for my family’s future?
There are a lot of things that need organising to make sure that your family is well protected if the unexpected did happen, and you were no longer around.