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When can I claim

When your policy is claimable varies from policy to policy.

If you have life insurance with us you’ll be able to claim if:

  • you are diagnosed with a Terminal Illness (definitions in the policy document), and
  • in the event of your death.

If you have Income Protection insurance with us, you’ll be able to claim if:

  • you are unable to work for a longer period than your waiting period (the period you nominated when you applied for the policy).

Other policies can be quite varied, so if you want details, visit this page, or contact the Pinnacle Life team, and we can go through your policy with you.

How does the insurer know if i've died?

Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing you have died unless someone tells us. That’s why it’s important that if you have cover with us, someone knows about it. To make a claim, the policy owner or someone acting for them simply needs to contact us by phone or email, we’ll then take a few details and advise all the information required for your claim.

How does someone make a claim?

Information about making a claim can be found here.

What percentage of claims gets paid out?

Pinnacle Life has paid out 95.1%* of all life insurance claims received since 1998 (*as of 14th August 2024).
