At the end of the day, you are smart enough to decide what’s right for you. However, here are some things that you might want to consider.
I’m single so why would I need life insurance?
How about we have kids honey?
Preparing to have kids is a amazing and a little scary. After all it is a lifetime commitment.
What to look for in your next life insurance review ?
To start your insurance review, take out the schedule or renewal notice from the insurance company and go through the terms and conditions of the policy. Key points to take note when going through your insurance policy:
If you're an Aussie, you're safe with us
Kiwi's who reside in Australia are not officially permanent residents, unless they go through the formal process to become an Australian permanent resident or citizen
5 Financial Mistakes Millennials Are Making
Let’s take a look at five money mistakes Millennials tend to make—and see how they can correct them.
Skin Cancer or Melanoma - What are the chances?
No one expects a cancer diagnosis, but with the highest skin cancer rate in the world many New Zealanders are now revisiting the necessity of life insurance.